New Mexican Garter Snake
Scientific Name: Thamnophis Sirtalis Dorsalis
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New Mexican Garter Snake is a non-venomous indigenous snake to North America. It is diurnal and mostly active in the morning and evening during summer. It is commonly known as Common garter snake or Eastern garter snake. During cool seasons, it restricts itself to warm afternoon for normal biological activities. The snake has toxic saliva that only paralyses its prey. It is active all year round in warm climatic conditions. The dorsal pattern varies with hues like black, olive, gray, or bluish. An adult New Mexican Garter Snake ranges between 46 cm to 66 cm in length. The snake feeds on frogs, earthworms, fish, and mice. It is both aquatic and terrestrial. It has stripes consisting of three rows usually yellow but can be blue, brown or green. The snake has keeled scales and the chin is whitish with yellowish or greenish belly.
New Mexican Garter Snakes Are Beautiful Creatures
Facts About New Mexican Garter Snakes
Geographic Location
New Mexican Garter Snake is rampant in Savannah temperate conditions, California, San Francisco, and in some regions of permanent drainages, the Prairies, and meadow regions.
New Mexican Garter Snake is found in marshes, forests, fields, and moist environments. It typically inhabits altitudes of up to 4,324 meters above the sea level. It thrives in aquatic, upland and wetland environments.
Mating occurs between March and May, where females give birth to average of 7 to 85 juveniles in June extending towards August. As opposed to other species of snakes, it does not lay eggs. Males emerge first from hibernation and protect females from predators.
This species of snakes is diurnal. It remains docile and gentle but bites and releases a musky substance when confronted. The snake can be shy and refrains from bright light.
This snake does well in captivity and may require fertilization, humidity, sufficient heat, and light. It is ideal in captivity and is readily available in pet markets.